Epically Random Random Thoughts

I'm suspicious of folks who publish multiple-book series but who've never published any short stories. I'm not sure if I've ever read all the books of any multiple-book series. I'm prejudiced against them because they smack of franchises. In a stand-alone novel, your protagonist can die. That's a big deal. In a series, you know... Continue Reading →

Absorb, You Damned Sponge!

"I'm creatively depleted. I've got nothing to write about." Then decide, "I'm not going to write today," and put your writing away. Don't allow yourself to "try a little." You have to start taking command of your writing, and that includes deciding when you're going to write and when you're not. [I rush to add... Continue Reading →

Film Music and You

Gee, I wonder why? Are you blocked right now? One of the things so many who complain about writer's block have in common: They think there is some magic formula, some trick, that will make writing easy and especially FUN. That's bullshit. I will expand on this someday, maybe, but not today. Are you stuck... Continue Reading →

My Favorite Clint Eastwood Movies

I like Clint Eastwood's movies. They're not as artistic as Welles' or as unruly as Huston's; they're simple, they aim low-to-middling, and they usually hit the target. When Eastwood does try something more substantial and risky, he often succeeds. I wish he'd go more outside his range, because when he does push with challenging material... Continue Reading →

Iguanas and Oranges

I saw NIGHT OF THE IGUANA years ago and it bored me. But I thought about it now and then. I rewatched IGUANA and the story of a defrocked priest's confrontation with alcohol, faith and women now meant something to me. John Huston was a talented writer, a Hemingway-like Liver of Life, and a sloppy... Continue Reading →

Random Thoughts

The obsession with 'canon' and scientific accuracy in science fiction is a dead end. I can't imagine coming up with a good idea and stomping on it because it doesn't fit with a series' existing environment. You're never going to fly at warp 47 on the Enterprise—you're not. If it's done just for effect, it's... Continue Reading →

Harlan Without Tears. Mostly.

Originally posted May 6, 2020 When I first encountered him in the pages of Starlog in the seventies, Harlan Ellison was in his forties, and in the last eligible years as “the angry young man of science fiction.” He didn’t like being called a science fiction writer. This was jolting to the kid version of... Continue Reading →

Random Thoughts

Why do people insist you can only use mustard on hot dogs. The hell do you care? I HATE HATE HATE mayo, relish and mustard. It's ketchup for me. Writer you should read: Leigh Brackett Steranko. Follow him on Twitter. Screenwriter whose movies you should watch: Leigh Brackett Almost my favorite movie ever. I know... Continue Reading →

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